
Showing posts from November, 2017

creating an interview

When creating an interview you need to make sure before interviewing your camera is set up in the position you feel have the best lighting and positioning.During the interview you should always keep eye contact with your subject and make sure they feel comfortable and are not looking directly into the camera, if they look directly into the camera it feel like they are addressing the audience as the presenter instead of answering the questions; whereas the presenter is meant to look directly into the camera as they are addressing the audience.  when interviewing remember not to speak over the answers as this can make the sounds rushed and is also harder to edit, you should always give it time before moving onto the next question so the sound is clear to the audience. When filming you should always stick to the 180 degree rule which is wen filming it is the g uideline that two characters in a scene should maintain the same left/right relationship to one another  throughout the film. wh