
website the review

I am reviewing the hunted a film produced by Tom Barber, Ollie Bermody, Jess Graham and James Walkden. The story follows ben parson, a member of a local gang who has been arrested for assault. he now has the option to be honest, dishonest or he could run. its up to the audience to decide what he will do, with many choices, how can ben be sure that he is making the right one? that results in him being free and safe. This film website comes across as a horror or thriller as it is a photo of an abandon building in the shot and black and white photos seems mysterious. This website contains a galleys videos and a trailer, but at the moment there is no videos due to he fact they haven't started filming and the behind the scene photos haven't been put up yet. 

report on soundtrack

The hunger games The feast scene "I feel that sound is half the experience" (George Lucas) I found this quote interesting because it explain why we need sound in the film is important sound creates a visual site of your own, it explains feeling and it helps us to understand what’s coming next, we take sound for granted most people think that the visual content is more important the sound but sound is just as important to create a film and the visual part. We have audio books to create our own visual content in our minds and we have sound in films to show feelings and to make intense moments even silent is apart of sound as a lack of sound. What about this scene is interesting? I chose this scene because I find the hunger games interesting and action pack that I felt would have a lot to write about. In this scene Katniss Everdeen was getting there care package to save peters life; but after she grabs the care package she is attacked by clove but before managing

photo shop


task 4

in our group for our interactive video i have to work on the site map and navigation in this i have to make our website design to different parts of the website and a way of getting to different information on the website. our film is a slammer horror so it will include the trailer clips character. we decided to do  a horror to get our age range interested so for our website i have to am it to 15-18 year old so i have to be something i  am interested in myself.  in the photo above it shows what sort of thing my design will look like it will be a simple way to get to different part of our  website.

task 3 evaluate your findings

In task 1 we did a survey on the social media people in our class like and used, it also gave us information on the different things they used it for and why they used it. I found this survey useful as it helped us to understand how much people use social media and different ways we as media students can use it to help use develop our knowledge. in task 2 we looked at a film website and the different social media that the film is promoting on and it will help us get information about the film. people use social media to see what film our like and to see other peoples option on the film. film makers normally advertise the film on social media because it will get a range of ages to look at the film and there will be more viewers. we filled out a sheet on how much people look at social media and how often social media websites upload photos and information about the film or show.


task 4 the choice

target audience our film will be advertised on social media so our age range will be 15 to 18. we will being looking into what film genre is the most popular in the age range we have chosen. we can research what is allowed in a 15 plus movie. after we have looked into popular genres we will be deciding on what film we would like to use. we can look into what our age range views and shares. we will be looking into films that are about to be released and what audiences are saying about the film such as if they are excited about the new releases and what they what to see in the film coming out. we have been thinking about looking into a comedy horror. social media: instergram, youtube, snapchat, facebook, twitter, social networks and media rating. it should be updated at least ones a week of behind the scenes and how it is being produced.

task 2 social media audit template



Today in class we are looking at what an audience is and this importance of viewers when in the media, without an audience there would be no media without the audience the show or movie would not make any profit. what is an audience:  An audience is an individual or collective group of people who read or consume a media text. The people who watch or listen to a television or radio programme. Over time audiences have become more fragmented they have started to divide into smaller groups due to the variety of media outlets, there are thousand of TV channels now which mean people have more variation, which mean people don't watch the same channels. types of audience:  Mass audience- large group of people watching the same channels, a large group of people.  Niche audience- much smaller audience, a collective audience. TV channels that may not be as popular.  Demographics audiences ae also defined according to there characteristics such as:  age gender nationality social

10 websites

Image  pitch perfect 3 has many different film trailers and shows all there songs in the film on there website, they do this because it helps the readers see if they would like this film. on this website it also shows you how to buy tickets and also what social media advertise this film. it also has games and quiz you can take this is manly aimed at younger children but also shows helps us under stand whats in the film. there are clips all over the website which show us different parts in the film. there is also a gallery which shows you all the photos. in our website that we are making we could us clips from our videos and put it onto them and also could have a scroll down. we could get photos when recording and put them in a gallery in the website, to show our viewers behinf the scene   This websiteWhen entering the site it comes up with the drumming the officinal game has the website have links to games and informa