report on soundtrack

The hunger games
The feast scene
"I feel that sound is half the experience" (George Lucas)
I found this quote interesting because it explain why we need sound in the film is important sound creates a visual site of your own, it explains feeling and it helps us to understand what’s coming next, we take sound for granted most people think that the visual content is more important the sound but sound is just as important to create a film and the visual part. We have audio books to create our own visual content in our minds and we have sound in films to show feelings and to make intense moments even silent is apart of sound as a lack of sound.

What about this scene is interesting?

I chose this scene because I find the hunger games interesting and action pack that I felt would have a lot to write about. In this scene Katniss Everdeen was getting there care package to save peters life; but after she grabs the care package she is attacked by clove but before managing to kill Katniss thresh rue brother kills clove for killing his sister. Why I found it interesting because it has many different parts to it the intense first part of the dramatic climax of the start of katniss running. Then the fight later on in the clip with dialogue end the final kill.
First off all I looked at the sound effects throughout the scene at the start of the scene you can hear Katniss heartbeat and as she starts to run towards the middle is gets louder and increases, this is an non diegetic sound as we can hear it but the audience cant. At the beginning there is also drumbeats that increase and gets louder and suddenly stopped to create dramatic affects.
After she grabs the care package clove attacks her and the sound affects of arrows firing and the stabbing of the knife. This helps to show tension and help us to show what’s happening.
In the film dialogue is very important to show what the teenagers are going through and how the hungry games is changing them and ways and it also show that people will do anything to survive.
The way they make clove speak shows a creepy tone to her voice it almost sounds a little bit crazy, I feel like this did this to show that the hungry games is making them crazy.
She is intimidating towards Katniss and makes it clear that she is in control at that point. She shows that she knows everything that Katniss has been doing. She try’s to drag the fact she is going to kill her out she wants her victim to be scared. It suddenly changes as she is put into the victim position and starts to beg for help and she terrified. This shows that they are scared themselves but are happy to kill overs, but not want to be killed themselves. 
Katniss doesn’t speak much in this clip as she seems scared and doesn’t want to give clove the idea that she is scared it makes her seem tough.
Thresh the over the boy in the clip over heard the fact that clove killed his sister which make him angry therefore his dialogue is strong and shows power towards thresh. He has a low-pitched voice which makes him seem intimidating to others, as he is angry it shows though the tone of his voice and how loud it is.
Getting on to the music in this clip in the hungry games there are not many music parts they create silence to create suspense and to really capture the other sound effect. At the beginning of the clip the music starts slow and then starts to increase as Katniss start to run toward the middle then there is a sudden slice and throughout the rest of the clip there is no music which helps to focus on sound effects and the dialogue and the actors breathing, and other close sounds that you don’t normally notice such as running in the grass extra…


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