light workshop

In the lighting workshop on Thursday we explored different lightings, lights and how they can be set   up. we got into groups and went round all four light set ups and experimented with the lights to get different affects and different lighting. we used three different tips of lights key light, fill light and the rim light which is the backlight.
sett up one was a horror lighting which contained 900 watts of power, the lighting on this was fairly bright. As it was a horror lighting the backlight the rim had to out light the persons body to create a horror affect. the coverage of this light was low and it didn't cover the persons how body, and it was harder to use that other other lighting as you hard to get the lights in a perfect position.
                The heath and safety off al this lighting set ups are to always tap down the leads and use a glove when moving lights because they will be very hot and you always have to turn them off before moving them; to have to make sure you do not mess round or climb up the leaders as you could break a piece of equipment.
The second light set up was called a red head which contained 800 watts of power and was very bright as it had a lot of power, there was a lot off coverage in this set up as it covered the how person. this light set up seemed to be easier to use and we didn't have to move the lights round as much.
setup three was called dedo which contained 150 watts this means it had less coverage than the other set ups. I found this set up okay to use as I had to move the lights more that set up 2.
       Setup 4 was a plug setup which contained 3200 but was the less bright and didn't have as much coverage, the rim light was the brightness light at the back.


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