media evaluation

In media today we created a short advert that advertised a bic pen. We got into four groups and came up with a theme for the advert, then as a hole class we decided which theme we are going to use. Our theme was about four hippies that go to space then unfortunately come a cross an alien and kill him with the amazing bic pen which also has four amazing colours. 
We decided to do this theme and it was interesting and could get younger teens attention which also had comedy to interest the Audiance. 
In our class we got put into job roles there was Camara crew, lighting, sound effects, prop desgin, scrip writers, actors and director.  My job was prop design, i design the helmets for the actors. I found that hard as we only had cardboard and some tape this means that our helmets did not look realistic. After finishing with the helmets I moved on to helping on the set to make sure the props were in the right positions.

Day two in media we used our peers films and edited them, we did this to learn how to edit and to learn new skills that come within media and to experience new things. I find that I struggle with editing as I don't know much about computers and struggle to use new software.  


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