shower scene final evaluation

In media we was set a task to put sound affect over a clip from a film from a old horror movie, we created our own sound affects using a voice recorder. we created sound affects using everyday objects that we best thought would it our film clip; some off the objects was supplied such as water buckets to create a shower running affect and a knife and some vegetables to create a stabbing sound affect. I found that it was difficult to create a shower running affect as we could keep the water running and it was not distributed evenly. After we recorded our sound affects we edited the film clip and added our sound affects over the top, we didn't manage to have enough sound effects for the hole piece. We managed to uses our stabbing sound effect over and over again and used it as many times as she got stabbed.
           Before we started our task we learnt about Foley, Foley is a technical process by which sounds are created or altered for use in a film, video, or other electronically produced work.
I felt as if the task went well after I played around with the converter and Photoshop I learnt how to do it and got the hang of it. I felt as we could of put more sound effects in but the convert wouldn't work sometimes which made it difficult and we ran out of time, I feel as if we should of put footsteps in as see entered the bathroom  and the stabbing was not in time on some of them which was disappointing.  I found getting all are sound affects in time the most difficult.
  • the scream in our scene matched and was in time
  • the music that was put into it.
  • shower sound affect was in time

  • more sound affects at the begging
  • if the stabs was in time


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