soundtrack analysis

I chose a scene from baby driver as I find the film interesting and have a lot of griping scenes throughout the film that makes me feel as if it was interest other people. I decided to explore a scene from baby driver called the killer track which is placed at the end of the movie that shows baby the main character and Deborah being chased in a car park. The scene starts of by baby and Deborah about to get into a car and then started to be shot at. I decided to explore this scene as i found it had a lot to explore and write about with all the soundtracks and lighting.
I explored the music in the scene, dialogue, sound affect and the incidental and ambient sounds throughout the scene.

The music in this scene cuts in and out its fast and upbeat through the scene, it is heavy music and is fast to correspondent with the cars they are in.  The music is empathetic it matches with the emotion of the scene and it also gets gradually faster as the cars increase speed or a dramatic moment is coming up, the music seems to get In the scene it seems as if the music was made for it as the music has no words but is in time with the cars and matches the scene perfectly.
The music in this seen has a very low pitch and doesn't seem to change except from when it gets louder or quieter, the tempo is fast as the cars get faster and seems to be fast all the way through the scene.
Music is important In scenes as it can interest the audience and bring impact into the scenes also can show effect which can help the audience understand the scene better. They put the music in this scene so it could create a atmosphere of tension and mysterious intensions to the scene.
The dialogue is the speech in a film or clip between characters which show conversation throughout, in my scene killer track there isn't much dialogue all the dialogue is at the beginning of the scene which makes it harder to write about as there is not as much.   The dialogue in the scene is very loud and the characters seem to be shouting which makes a feeling of tenseness in the characters this can make the audience feel tense.  As the characters are within a big space there are some echoes throughout the scenes which form the sense of mystery in the film.  I feel as if there is a sense of dominance in the in the men as they are louder than the girls and louder than each other which can show which ones are superior.
Sound effects:
 Sound effects are all the things put in to create dramatic affects throughout the scene. Sound effects are the things that you can hear but the characters can't hear. sound effects are morally added after the film is created.  In the scene there are many loud sound effects such as car alarms, car skidding, police alarms and gunshots.  Sound effects are important in the scene to create a sense of realism and to help the scene come alive.  The sound effects in the scene are very loud and fit well into the scene because it creates a sense of danger and seems to make the audience feel what the characters are feeling.
 This is the sound that the characters and the audience can hear this is normally every day sounds.  The audience don't normally seem to realise that the sounds are in the scene  but without the sounds I feel that the audience would notice a lot more and it would show a difference  to the killer track scene.
 In the same there is a lot of Ambient sound Such as the breathing when they breathe heavier,  also in the windows are being smashed and the seat belts are being put on and when I press buttons in the car all of this sounds same as if the characters could hear it;  there is also people shouting and wheels turning on cars skidding in the scene.


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