
Showing posts from October, 2017

shower scene final evaluation

In media we was set a task to put sound affect over a clip from a film from a old horror movie, we created our own sound affects using a voice recorder. we created sound affects using everyday objects that we best thought would it our film clip; some off the objects was supplied such as water buckets to create a shower running affect and a knife and some vegetables to create a stabbing sound affect. I found that it was difficult to create a shower running affect as we could keep the water running and it was not distributed evenly. After we recorded our sound affects we edited the film clip and added our sound affects over the top, we didn't manage to have enough sound effects for the hole piece. We managed to uses our stabbing sound effect over and over again and used it as many times as she got stabbed.            Before we started our task we learnt about Foley, Foley is a technical process by which sounds are created or altered for use in a film, video, or other electronica

light workshop

In the lighting workshop on Thursday we explored different lightings, lights and how they can be set   up. we got into groups and went round all four light set ups and experimented with the lights to get different affects and different lighting. we used three different tips of lights key light, fill light and the rim light which is the backlight. sett up one was a horror lighting which contained 900 watts of power, the lighting on this was fairly bright. As it was a horror lighting the backlight the rim had to out light the persons body to create a horror affect. the coverage of this light was low and it didn't cover the persons how body, and it was harder to use that other other lighting as you hard to get the lights in a perfect position.                 The heath and safety off al this lighting set ups are to always tap down the leads and use a glove when moving lights because they will be very hot and you always have to turn them off before moving them; to have to make sure y

soundtrack analysis

I chose a scene from baby driver as I find the film interesting and have a lot of griping scenes throughout the film that makes me feel as if it was interest other people. I decided to explore a scene from baby driver called the killer track which is placed at the end of the movie that shows baby the main character and Deborah being chased in a car park. The scene starts of by baby and Deborah about to get into a car and then started to be shot at. I decided to explore this scene as i found it had a lot to explore and write about with all the soundtracks and lighting. I explored the music in the scene, dialogue, sound affect and the incidental and ambient sounds throughout the scene. Music: The music in this scene cuts in and out its fast and upbeat through the scene, it is heavy music and is fast to correspondent with the cars they are in.  The music is empathetic it matches with the emotion of the scene and it also gets gradually faster as the cars increase speed or a dram


This week in our carousel we did photography, i feel like this was useful as it gave us new skills in using a digital camera, we learnt about shutter speed the shutter speed is  length of time when the film or digital sensor inside the camera is exposed to light, also when a camera's shutter  is open when taking a photograph. We then went outside to take photo and use our new skills by changing the shutter speed to take different photos. 

power point

media evaluation

I n media today we created a short advert that advertised a bic pen. We got into four groups and came up with a theme for the advert, then as a hole class we decided which theme we are going to use. Our theme was about four hippies that go to space then unfortunately come a cross an alien and kill him with the amazing bic pen which also has four amazing colours.  We decided to do this theme and it was interesting and could get younger teens attention which also had comedy to interest the Audiance.  In our class we got put into job roles there was Camara crew, lighting, sound effects, prop desgin, scrip writers, actors and director.  My job was prop design, i design the helmets for the actors. I found that hard as we only had cardboard and some tape this means that our helmets did not look realistic. After finishing with the helmets I moved on to helping on the set to make sure the props were in the right positions. Day two in media we used our peers films and edited them, we did th